In the age of visual communication, Sphere strives to unleash the big amount of information held on pictures and to connect it with user’s digital life. An object in a picture becomes an alive entity interacting with other items, the user and the environment properties in which it is immersed. Sphere breaks the barrier between a static snapshot and the tangible worth of the real things contained in it. Sphere can be depicted as a set of lenses on the user world: depending on the used lens, the environment highlights different properties.


Insurtech foundation

Risk is about lack of knowledge. Thanks to Sphere, user and her/his insurance service provider are now in condition to fill the gap in an effective and measurable way. Sphere provides 360° degrees environment representation avoiding costly inspections, storing in efficient and structured way all the relevant information.
A claim in Sphere becomes just an event which occurred to either a digital entity or the whole environment. Sphere is not tight to domestic users; rather, the focus will be expanded to small business buildings.


Environment is dynamic

The user trades and shares goods changing the house in which s/he lives. Sphere will adapt the digital representation of the user world in a snappy and safe way: just tap on the item you want to trade and someone else looking for it will get availability notification.

Customised suggestions is the trend

When the user purchases goods, the seller knows only what the user bought, not what s/he already owns and in which context the purchase will be located. Sphere will make this information available always respecting the privacy aspects, by enabling tailored suggestions completely under user control. We will open APIs and connectors to automate the catalogue updating. The idea is to push for the process "buy and update the catalogue" in 1 click.



A picture can’t capture the whole environment especially if it’s about a room. We invested a lot in computer vision and machine learning research to develop the most advanced image-stitching methods allowing a dynamic and real-time exploration of the just captured scenario. It’s so advanced that each picture is immediately merged to the others to offer an unprecedented user experience.


It allows the digitisation of user’s home just by pictures. Once a room or an exterior environment is captured through Sphere Acquisition tool, all the information like room type, items and room materials is extracted and used to automatically populate the digital catalogue. User can either enrich or amend the AI detections just by tapping attributes. The digital inventory can be easily exported in pdf format to be shared for instance with the insurance for either a content/house quote or to bring evidence in phase of claim assessment to get fair reimbursement.




The digital inventory can be queried through natural language questions. The smart assistant is used also to receive customised tips about the incumbent risks and to trigger an insurance claim (in case of insurance distributed version) and send the FNOL to the insurance backend. The assistant has been designed to promote information mixture of internal and external data (like extreme weather condition providers). AI models can then react according to customizable workflows to pursue loss management and risk preventing/mitigation.


SphereIndex represents a dynamic rating for policyholder segmentation, based over completeness and precision. Completeness measures the degree of digitisation achieved by the user; precision represents the quality of information provided by user for each digitised element (either room or item). User can add to the digital inventory an entity solely by picture, but s/he is encouraged to qualify the items just by tagging them with smart tags. The provided tags together with the AI detections will be evaluated to establish the degree of completeness and precision of the information gathered about the household. SphereIndex can be used either as is for premium parameterization or in GLM models to enrich and improve pricing statistics. SphereIndex is used to keep engaged the user fostering the win-win paradigm: the more you digitise, the lower the premium , the higher the quantity and quality of information , the lower is the risk. Also in claim scenario: the more is the information shared, the higher is the probability to receive fair reimbursement while lower will be the probability to face frauds.


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